Too much earwax can build up in your ears and cause a variety of problems, including tinnitus. Let’s take a closer look at how earwax and tinnitus are connected, as well as treatment options.
What Is Tinnitus? 
Tinnitus is typically experienced as a ringing in one or both ears. However, others may experience clicking, hissing, buzzing, roaring or other noises. Tinnitus is usually subjective, meaning that only the person experiencing it can hear it. However, there are some cases of objective tinnitus, which a medical provider can hear on the exam as well.
People with tinnitus can experience acute symptoms that only last for a few days or come and go. However, other people experience chronic symptoms that can last for months or even years.
Tinnitus is a symptom of many other conditions, and finding the cause can help relieve tinnitus. While a cause cannot always be found, one known cause is earwax buildup.
How Can Too Much Earwax Cause Tinnitus?
In the right amounts, earwax or cerumen helps to protect your ears by catching debris. It usually works itself out of your ear naturally, and you don’t need to do much to clean wax from your ears apart from occasionally wiping your ears with a wet washcloth. In fact, attempts to clean your ears with cotton swabs can actually do more harm than good to your ears.
However, sometimes your ears produce too much earwax, or the wax is impeded from leaving your ear (due to wearing earplugs or earbuds) and that can lead to earwax buildup and impaction.
When impaction occurs, it can cause symptoms like ear pain, muffled hearing or temporary hearing loss, a feeling of fullness in the ear and tinnitus.
Visit a Professional for Earwax Removal
Earwax should be removed when it causes symptoms like hearing loss, itching, pain and tinnitus. If you’re experiencing tinnitus or other signs of earwax buildup, make an appointment with an ENT specialist to discuss your removal options.
They may remove the earwax in the office with a small suction device. Other times they might prescribe ear drops or recommend at-home earwax removal kits that you can pick up from a local store like Choice Pharmacy.
Experiencing Tinnitus Symptoms?
If tinnitus symptoms persist after earwax removal, visit a hearing specialist to learn about tinnitus management options. These may include acoustic therapy, tinnitus retraining therapy, hearing aids or other treatments.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Hearing Systems today.