Helping a Loved One with Hearing Loss
Hearing loss happens gradually. Sometimes a family member or close friend might notice a person is having hearing problems before they notice themselves. Have you noticed that a loved one: Frequently asks you or others to repeat themselves when talking Expresses difficulty hearing in loud environments Complains that everyone is mumbling Always has the TV…
How Do Assistive Listening Devices Help?
If you have hearing loss, you’ve likely been prescribed a set of hearing aids, which work by amplifying sounds to a level the ear can detect and are by far the most recommended and effective treatment for hearing loss. It is estimated that 90-95 percent of people with mild to severe hearing loss can be…
How to Get Used to Your Hearing Aids
Hearing aids do not restore your hearing; they amplify sounds to a level you can hear. This takes some getting used to, as your brain is bombarded with sounds and stimuli it has not experienced in years. Some sounds, like your own voice, will sound funny and unfamiliar. Below are five tips your Hearing Systems…
The History of Hearing Aids
Hearing loss is not a new condition. People have been suffering from it for centuries. Up until the 16th century, it was commonly accepted that individuals with hearing loss also suffered from multiple other disabilities; this led to them being heavily discriminated against. It was not until a Spanish monk named Pedro Ponce taught a…